All posts by DIGS
Red Lane, Abbotsbury
A select band of three (Alan, Roger and Geoff P) spent the morningĀ working at Red Lane. Roger stayed until 3:30 pm.
Good progress was made as you can see from the attached pictures. A return visit is needed to take more pictures of the finished state. There is scope for more work particularly higher up the site further from the road.
More information about Red Lane.
King Barrow
We had a successful session at King Barrow quarry on Portland this morning. Six of us worked on the fossil forest site near the road before moving over to the section in the NE of the quarry where we continued work started in February removing privet from the rock face. We also removed brambles and some cotoneaster which is starting to creep back (unfortunately). We also improved the access path and tidied up by the King Barrow sign so it can be seen. We plan to go back on another occasion to remove the scree which covers part of the rock face in the NE section.