Welcome to the new DIGS Events and Geoconservation Workparty Calendar. For other events of general geological interest in the region, see the DGAG website

Rodwell Cutting

Rodwell Cutting 73 Clearmount Road, Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

A follow-up Geoconservation workparty in Rodwell Cutting to the previous session in January. 10:30 am Tuesday 4 Feb 2020. Please contact Geoff Pettifer (geoff.pettifer@gmail.com) if you are able to help.

Crookhill Brick Pit

Crookhill Brick Pit

Geoconservation workparty to this classic Oxford Clay Exposure and Geological SSSI.

Portesham Farm Quarry

A  Geoconservation session is planned for Portesham Farm on Wednesday 18 March 20 at 10:30 am

Preserving our geological heritage