Glebe Farm Chalk Pit, Corfe Castle SY 950 822
Site description: Disused quarry.
Geology: Cretaceous, Lower Chalk. Well-bedded grey micritic Chalk, with infrequent shaly partings, dipping 45-50° North. The whole section is much shattered, with a number of well-developed slickensided surfaces dipping south. Well developed weathering profile, with north-dipping beds curving over towards horizontal as a result of weathering, and soil creep (sometimes referred to as terminal curvature).
Access: No restriction
Parking: Car parks are 1) immediately to north of Corfe Castle, off the Church Knowle road NGR SY959824, and 2) main Corfe Castle car park NGR SY958.818, footpath through village and south of Castle mound (about 1 km)
Size of party: 5
Education level: A level/University.